
La boutique du chant choral
Le violon enchanté- Choeur

Le violon enchanté- Choeur

(Code: A121900445)

A jazzy musical tale for two voices by Pierre Gérard Verny and Fanja Rahajason for children's choir from 7 years old, with piano and narrator.
11,70 EUR
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Le violon enchanté, a jazzy musical tale for two voices by Pierre Gérard Verny and Fanja Rahajason for children's choir from 7 years old, with piano and narrator:

Madame Diapason, a stern but benevolent teacher, soon to be retired, Miss Mibémol, a young teacher and enigmatic violinist with a strange instrument to say the least, a class that "moves" at the slightest touch; here is a delightful cocktail set to music with talent by Pierre-Gérard VERNY on a text by Fanja RAHAJASON, for an invigorating and unbridled start to the new school year.

* A CD for learning is available (optional but cannot be sold alone)

Jazzy musical tale for equal choir (SA).

Content :
  • C’est la rentrée
  • Le règlement
  • L’écriture
  • Le boogie des maths
  • La récréation
  • Berceuse à lire
  • La cantine
  • Peinture et compagnie
  • Chouette, c'est la gym !

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